West Palm Beach, Florida, USA - 303.2 km von Sweetings Village: Dr Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School - Eine Webcam in West Palm Beach, Florida - Kamerastandort: Dr Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School.
Delray Beach, Florida, USA - 304.2 km von Sweetings Village: Plumosa School of the Arts Elementary School - Eine Webcam in Delray Beach, Florida - Kamerastandort: Plumosa School of the Arts Elementary School.
Delray Beach, Florida, USA - 304.2 km von Sweetings Village: Space of Mind Schoolhouse - Webcam und aktuelle Wetterdaten - Kamerastandort: Space of Mind Schoolhouse.
Boynton Beach, Florida, USA - 304.2 km von Sweetings Village: Forest Park Elementary School - Eine Webcam in Boynton Beach, Florida - Kamerastandort: Forest Park Elementary School.
Boynton Beach, Florida, USA - 304.2 km von Sweetings Village: Galaxy Elementary School - Eine Webcam in Boynton Beach, Florida - Kamerastandort: Galaxy Elementary School.